Change the URL of the app

By default Locations Made Super will use the URL /tools/locations.

You are able to change this to suit what you are using the app for. For example you could change it to /tools/stores/ or /tools/stockists.

You can also change the sub-path prefix by toggling between a set of values provided by Shopify ( /apps,/a,/community, or /tools). 

To change your URL follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Shopify admin
  2. Go to Apps
  3. Click on 'About' on Locations Made Super
  4. Under App Proxy, click customize URL
  5. Select the prefix with the drop-down, change the URL to whatever you wish and click save
  6. To update the app with the new URL go to the URL you changed it too
  7. Also, remember to update any links in your Shopify navigation
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